A little review of 2015

As a new year dawns shortly upon us, I’d like to take a little time to reflect on what was for myself a fruitful year.

It all began in the nation’s capital — Washington, DC. I had the great fortune of living from January through May as a Policy Intern for FreedomWorks, a conservative/libertarian grassroots political organization. (Note: You can see some of the work I produced HERE.)

I truly cannot say enough about this most fortunate of opportunities I’ve had. First, you can’t find better people than the staff of FreedomWorks. My immediate superior, Joshua Withrow, is one of the most intelligent and well-read people I’ve ever met. In addition to his erudition, he radiates with generosity, captivates with humor (especially impressions!), and, most importantly, is a fellow New England Patriots fanatic.

Logan Albright (if I remember correctly) may not be a Patriots fan, but he is equally well-read as Josh. He, too, is terribly funny and kind. Whereas Josh identifies as a minarchist, Logan is a full-blown Rothbardian anarchist. Furthermore, he writes and has published fictional novels, which you can potentially enjoy if you click this beautiful orange text. 

I also met Julie Borowski and Matt Kibbe, two “celebrities” within the libertarian movement. They also were fantastic people, and great role models for those of us involved in the political realm.

As an intern, FreedomWorks gave me access to a lot of interesting events, like International Students for Liberty Conferencea three day event to which all of liberties brightest stars and future leaders convene and have a great time; or CPAC (where I met Gary Johnson); and plenty of smaller events around the DC area, at places like CATO, the Heritage Foundation, and various colleges.

I could go on for pages about my experience at FreedomWorks, so just suffice it to say that the entire thing was nothing short of fantastic.

After the internship was over, my family and me were able to see some sites in the area, like Monticello, Mount Vernon, and obviously everything in DC. We had a whole lot of fun together.

During the summer I worked long hours to save for school, and since September I’ve been back at school (Western Michigan University). I’m technically president of a Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) chapter, but unfortunately things just haven’t been rolling.

Looking forward, though, I’d love to start podcasting. Ever since high school I’ve thought about going into broadcasting. So keep a look out for that this year, because I’m probably going to try it out. I probably won’t have much time for blogging this semester though because school and work will keep me busy, but I’ll try as hard as I can to consistently get some product out there.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read some of my stuff. I wish all of you a very pleasant and fruitful 2016!

One thought on “A little review of 2015

  1. Ron_H. December 31, 2015 / 4:51 am

    Happy New Year, Nate. Looking forward to your podcast.

    Liked by 1 person

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